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coola quickstart

📖 This page is a quick overview of the two main functions of coola: objects_are_equal and objects_are_allclose. These functions can be used to check if two complex/nested objects are equal or not. The motivation of the library is explained here. You should read this page if you want to learn how to use these functions. This page does not explain the internal behavior of these functions.

Prerequisites: You’ll need to know a bit of Python. For a refresher, see the Python tutorial. It is highly recommended to know a bit of NumPy or PyTorch.

Equal or not?

coola provides a function objects_are_equal that can indicate if two complex/nested objects are equal or not. It also works for simple objects like integer or string.

First example

The following example shows how to use the objects_are_equal function. The objects to compare are dictionaries containing a PyTorch Tensor and a NumPy ndarray.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> data1 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> data2 = {"torch": torch.zeros(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.ones((2, 3))}
>>> data3 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data2)
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data3)

In one line, it is possible to check two complex/nested objects are equal or not. Unlike the native python equality operator ==, the objects_are_equal function can check if two dictionaries containing PyTorch Tensors and NumPy ndarrays are equal or not.

Finding a difference

When the objects are complex or nested, it is not obvious to know which elements are different. This function has an argument show_difference which shows the first difference found between the two objects. For example if you add show_difference=True when you compare the data1 and data2, you will see at least one element that is different:

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> data1 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> data2 = {"torch": torch.zeros(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.ones((2, 3))}
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data2, show_difference=True)

Log output:

INFO:coola.comparators.torch_:torch.Tensors are different
tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]])
tensor([[0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.]])
INFO:coola.comparators.equality:The mappings have a different value for the key 'torch':
first mapping  = {'torch': tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]]), 'numpy': array([[0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.]])}
second mapping = {'torch': tensor([[0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.]]), 'numpy': array([[1., 1., 1.],
       [1., 1., 1.]])}

If you do not see this output, you may need to configure logging to show the INFO level (something like logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)). The log shows a difference between data1 and data2: the PyTorch Tensors in key 'torch' of the input dictionaries. The top of the log shows the element that fails the check, and then it shows the parent element, so it is easy to know where is the identified difference. Note that it only shows the first difference, not all the differences. Two objects are different if any of these elements are different. In the previous example, only the difference for key 'torch' is shown in the log. No log is shown if the two objects are equal and show_difference=True.

More examples

The previous examples use dictionary, but it is possible to use other types like list or tuple

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> data1 = [torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3))]
>>> data2 = [torch.zeros(2, 3), numpy.ones((2, 3))]
>>> data3 = (torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3)))
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data2)
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data3)

It is also possible to test more complex objects

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> data1 = {
...     "list": [torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3))],
...     "dict": {"torch": torch.arange(5), "str": "abc"},
...     "int": 1,
... }
>>> data2 = {
...     "list": [torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3))],
...     "dict": {"torch": torch.arange(5), "str": "abcd"},
...     "int": 1,
... }
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data2)

Feel free to try any complex nested structure that you want. You can find the currently supported types here.

Strict type checking

âš  Unlike the native python equality operator ==, the objects_are_equal function requires two objects to be of the same type to be equal. For example, 1 (integer) is considered different from 1.0 (float) or True (boolean) which is different behavior that the native python equality operator ==. You can take a look to the following example to see some differences.

>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> objects_are_equal(1, 1)
>>> objects_are_equal(1, 1.0)
>>> objects_are_equal(1, True)
>>> 1 == 1
>>> 1 == 1.0
>>> 1 == True

Similarly, the objects_are_equal function considers a dict and collections.OrderedDict as different objects even if they have the same keys and values.

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> from coola import objects_are_equal
>>> objects_are_equal({"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"}, OrderedDict({"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"}))
>>> {"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"} == OrderedDict({"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"})

Almost equal or not?

coola provides a function objects_are_allclose that can indicate if two complex/nested objects are equal within a tolerance or not. Due to numerical precision, it happens quite often that two numbers are not equal but the error is very tiny (1.0 and 1.000000001). The tolerance is mostly useful for numerical values. For a lot of types like string, the objects_are_allclose function behaves like the objects_are_equal function.

First example

The following example shows how to use the objects_are_allclose function. The objects to compare are dictionaries containing a PyTorch Tensor and a NumPy ndarray.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose, objects_are_equal
>>> data1 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> data2 = {"torch": torch.zeros(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.ones((2, 3))}
>>> data3 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3) + 1e-9, "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3)) - 1e-9}
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data2)
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data3)
>>> objects_are_equal(data1, data3)

The difference between data1 and data2 is large so objects_are_allclose returns false like objects_are_equal. The difference between data1 and data3 is tiny so objects_are_allclose returns true, whereas objects_are_equal returns false.


It is possible to control the tolerance with the arguments atol and rtol. atol controls the absolute tolerance and rtol controls the relative tolerance.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> data1 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> data2 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3) + 1e-4, "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3)) - 1e-4}
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data2)
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data2, atol=1e-3)

objects_are_equal and objects_are_allclose are very similar and should behave the same when atol=0.0 and rtol=0.0.

Finding a difference

Like objects_are_equal, the objects_are_allclose function has an argument show_difference which shows the first difference found between the two objects.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> data1 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3), "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3))}
>>> data2 = {"torch": torch.ones(2, 3) + 1e-4, "numpy": numpy.zeros((2, 3)) - 1e-4}
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data2, show_difference=True)


INFO:coola.comparators.torch_:torch.Tensors are different
tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]])
tensor([[1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001],
        [1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001]])
INFO:coola.comparators.allclose:The mappings have a different value for the key torch:
first mapping  = {'torch': tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]]), 'numpy': array([[0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.]])}
second mapping = {'torch': tensor([[1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001],
        [1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001]]), 'numpy': array([[-0.0001, -0.0001, -0.0001],
       [-0.0001, -0.0001, -0.0001]])}

More examples

Like the objects_are_equal function, the objects_are_allclose function can be used with complex/nested objects.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> data1 = {
...     "list": [torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3))],
...     "dict": {"torch": torch.arange(5), "str": "abc"},
...     "int": 1,
... }
>>> data2 = {
...     "list": [torch.ones(2, 3), numpy.zeros((2, 3)) + 1e-9],
...     "dict": {"torch": torch.arange(5), "str": "abc"},
...     "int": 1,
... }
>>> objects_are_allclose(data1, data2)

objects_are_allclose supports a lot of types and nested structure. Feel free to try any complex nested structure that you want. You can find the currently supported types here.

Not A Number (NaN)

By default, NaN is not considered close to any other value, including NaN.

>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> objects_are_allclose(float("nan"), 0.0)
>>> objects_are_allclose(float("nan"), float("nan"))

By setting equal_nan=True, it is possible to change the above behavior and NaNs will be considered equal.

>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> objects_are_allclose(float("nan"), float("nan"), equal_nan=True)

In arrays or tensors, NaN are sometimes to indicate some values are not valid. However, it may be interested to check if the non-NaN values are equal. It is possible to use the equal_nan=True option to compare two tensors with NaN values.

>>> import numpy
>>> import torch
>>> from coola import objects_are_allclose
>>> objects_are_allclose(
...     torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
... )
>>> objects_are_allclose(
...     torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     equal_nan=True,
... )
>>> objects_are_allclose(
...     numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
... )
>>> objects_are_allclose(
...     numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, float("nan")]),
...     equal_nan=True,
... )



Connection with similar tools

coola is not the first tool to provide functions to compare nested objects. If you are a PyTorch user, you probably know the torch.testing.assert_close function. If you are a NumPy user, you probably know the numpy.testing.assert_equal function. However, most of these functions work in a fix scope and are difficult to extend or customize. On the opposite side, coola is flexible and easy to customize.

Let's take a look to torch. torch.testing.assert_close allows to easily compare torch.Tensors objects:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(torch.ones(2, 3), torch.ones(2, 3))

It can also be used on mappings or sequences:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(
...     [torch.ones(2, 3), torch.zeros(3)],
...     [torch.ones(2, 3), torch.zeros(3)],
... )
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3)},
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3)},
... )
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(
...     {
...         "key1": torch.ones(2, 3),
...         "key2": {"key3": torch.zeros(3), "key4": [torch.arange(5)]},
...     },
...     {
...         "key1": torch.ones(2, 3),
...         "key2": {"key3": torch.zeros(3), "key4": [torch.arange(5)]},
...     },
... )

It also works on tensor like objects like NumPy arrays:

>>> import torch
>>> import numpy as np
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(
...     [torch.ones(2, 3), np.zeros(3)],
...     [torch.ones(2, 3), np.zeros(3)],
... )
>>> torch.testing.assert_close([torch.ones(2, 3), 42], [torch.ones(2, 3), 42])

However, it does not work if the data structure contains a string:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.testing.assert_close(
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: No comparison pair was able to handle inputs of type <class 'str'> and <class 'str'>.
The failure occurred for item ['key3']

coola can compare these objects:

>>> import torch
>>> import coola
>>> coola.objects_are_equal(
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
...     {"key1": torch.ones(2, 3), "key2": torch.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
... )

Internally, torch.testing.assert_close tries to convert some values to tensors to compare them, which can lead to surprising results like:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.testing.assert_close((1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3])

The inputs have different types: the left input is a tuple, whereas the right is a list. coola has a strict type checking and will indicate the two inputs are different:

>>> import torch
>>> import coola
>>> coola.objects_are_equal((1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3])

numpy.testing.assert_equal has different limitations. For example, it can work with strings but can handle only simple sequence and mapping objects

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from collections import deque
>>> np.testing.assert_equal(
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3)},
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3)},
... )
>>> np.testing.assert_equal(
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
... )
>>> np.testing.assert_equal(
...     deque([np.ones((2, 3)), np.zeros(3)]),
...     deque([np.ones((2, 3)), np.zeros(3)]),
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

coola can compare these objects:

>>> import coola
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from collections import deque
>>> coola.objects_are_equal(
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3)},
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3)},
... )
>>> coola.objects_are_equal(
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
...     {"key1": np.ones((2, 3)), "key2": np.zeros(3), "key3": "abc"},
... )
>>> coola.objects_are_equal(
...     deque([np.ones((2, 3)), np.zeros(3)]),
...     deque([np.ones((2, 3)), np.zeros(3)]),
... )